Committee Minutes - March 2003


Boy Scout Troop 188 Committee Meeting

                 April 3, 2003

****Note: March Committee Meeting held April 3, 2003, due to scheduling conflicts****


Present: Terry M., Norm B., Nic B., Jaime M., Chip K., Doug C., Nancy H., Kelly H., Robert D., Anna Marie E., Mike E., Craig H., Julie H., Dave C., Barb D., Colin M., Eamonn M., Kerry W.


Treasurer’s Report:

Current Balance: $5891.74

Deposits: $2648.30

Deposits not recorded on statement: $600.00 from Jax Fundraiser

Scout Accounts: $2947.15

Adjusted balance after scout accounts and outstanding checks: $2787.59


Colin M’s Eagle Project Update:

Meet this Saturday, April 5th, at 9:30 a.m. at the Environmental Learning Center.  Workers may bring snacks and water, if work goes through lunch Terry and Coleen will provide pizzas.  Colin will check on Friday to make sure all work materials are there.


March Wrap-Up:

Chimney Park Camp-out: Mike E. Cooking over the fire was accomplished.  24 scouts attended.  It was a .2 mile long walk in to the lodge, not 100 yards as Terry M. led them to believe. Concerns were brought up by one family who didn’t receive a call when the scouts were coming into town on Sunday because there was no cell phone in that vehicle. In that case again, other vehicles with phones would assume the duty of calling all parents.


Scouting for Food: very successful, our troop with cub scout troop collected 2200 pounds out of the 12,000 pound total.


Friends of Scouting: Craig and Julie H. reported that we well exceeded our goal of $1340 to get free patches.  $2485 was collected.


April Meetings:

Finishing up Communications Merit Badge.

First Aid Merit Badge-other 3 weeks this month with new scouts working on Tenderfoot.

Camp out : April 12-14th, Koala Lodge at BDSR. Chip K. may plan activities for older scouts.

Advancement: Last week in April.

Parent Meeting for new scouts: Tuesday, April 8th. They will be informed of general information, policies, and procedures.



Life-saving Merit Badge will be offered outside of Tuesday meeting times for those scouts needing it for the High Adventure Trip, and others who are interested.

Spring Camporee- May 2nd –4th, at MacGregor Ranch in Estes Park.

That is also Eager Beaver weekend at BDSR for scouts that need service hours.  Robert D. is helping to design a lighthouse and chapel that will be built.

Court of Honor- considering having a cook-out at 6 p.m. followed by the Court of Honor.

Training for leaders- First Aid and CPR offered May 5th (Monday) and 7th (Wed.).


High Adventure Trip:

4 scouts have cancelled so fees may have to go up but still trying to keep it at $350. A discussion was held about whether those 4 deposits should be refunded or not ($25 deposit each).  It was decided that if we could fill those spots, their money would be refunded, otherwise, no. Robert D. will present the trip at the Roundtable meeting to see if we could attract any scouts from other troops. 

Merit Badges that may be offered on board the Lexington: radio, weather, and aviation.

Tentative schedule:

Mon.- aquarium and wetlands tour.

Tues.- mock lab with university on oceanography; museum of science and industry.

Wed.- On board the Lexington aircraft carrier, p.m. open.

Thurs.- On board the Lexington aircraft carrier, p.m. open.

Fri. – turtle study.


New Business:

Trailer Work- Doug C. is interested in putting work into the trailer to make it more functional (shelving, front cabinet, larger propane bottle storage, floor treatment).  It was decided to form a committee to design the upgrades and a vote was cast that the work is not to exceed $200.


Merit Badge Work:

There was some concern expressed that not enough merit badge counselors are available. The concern was that scouts don’t know who to talk to for initiating new merit badge work. Norm B. stressed that a big part of scouting is taking the initiative to find out to whom the scouts need to talk.  Also, new lists of counselors for our troop will be given out.  In addition, adults will be encouraged to complete new merit badge forms for which they may be qualified to instruct.


It was discussed to assign adult leaders to patrol groups to keep the scouts better focused on merit badge work. Two adults will be assigned per patrol.  Chip K will organize this.


New Leadership Positions:

Kerry W. suggested a leadership responsibility as “troop guide” to help out with the new scouts.

Nic is also willing to give up his “quartermaster” position if anyone is interested in it.

Leadership Corps- Current requirements are to be 14, achieved Life rank, or be a Senior Patrol Leader.  More scouts are reaching eligibility for this and it was decided that in order to be considered for this Corps the scout himself must initiate with troop leaders the desire to be in the corps.  He must have shown leadership skills in the past and be interviewed by troop leaders.

We also discussed the possible need for another Assistant Senior Patrol Leader due to the large numbers of scouts now in the troop.  It was voted to add a second Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, who will be selected by the Senior Patrol Leader.


Class A Uniforms:

It was discussed that scouts, as well as leaders, need to be reminded again of appropriate dress at meetings.  In particular, the dark green pants.  Norm B. suggested a surprise inspection at the next meeting (with prizes awarded to the best-dressed patrol) should increase the scouts’ awareness of this issue.


Service Hours:

Any scout needing service hours can contact Terry M. With the new projects at BDSR, much work is needed on weekends.


Junior Leader Training Conference:

To be held this summer at Camp Laramie Peak, July 13th-19th, at a cost of $150.  This training is required for senior patrol leaders and those attending must be approved by the scoutmaster.


Items to be put on the website- committee meeting minutes, enrollment roster, camp-out equipment checklist. 

Next Jax fundraiser- limit the number of participants by having a sign-up sheet for each day and don’t let scouts sign up for more than one slot.

Another fund-raiser idea-  selling Red Cross First-Aid kits.


Next committee meeting, Wed. April 30th at the Terry’s house.