Committee Minutes - September 2001

Boy Scout Troop 188 Committee Meeting                                                       September 26, 2001

Present: Terry, Norm, Jaime M., Anna Marie, Nancy, Kirk S., Robert D.

The minutes of the August meeting should be corrected to read Venture Crew instead of Venture Patrol.

Treasurer's Report
Ending balance as of Sept. 26th, $1511.88. Scout accounts have $236.50, but scouts no
longer with the troop were included in that total. Scouts no longer in attendance this year
had their accounts removed from the books. .

Old Business:
Troop Calendars

Copies were distributed to the scouts to take home at one of the September meetings.
Order of the Arrow Fall Fellowship Week-End
Held in September. Becoming O.A. Brotherhood members were John F., Terry M., Colin M., Eamonn M., Nic B., Andy F.. Ordeal: Jason N., David M., Michael D., Paul E., Loren D.
September 11th bike ride.
Rockies game flag ceremony, Sept. 26th : no civilian color guards were allowed at the
stadium after the Sept. 11th tragedy.
Patrol Boxes
Worked on them the 22nd of Sept. Just need handles and hinges to be attached. A flyer will be sent to parents asking for donations of camping cooking items to put in the patrol boxes, such as pots, pans, plates, silverware, spatulas, sponges, dish cloths and towels, etc. Items should be turned in for the October 30th meeting.

New Business:
October Troop Meeting Agendas
Oct. 2nd - Frisbee Golf, Ultimate Frisbee, etc. led by Colin M.
Oct. 9th - Skating & Rollerblading, led by Nic B. & Eamonn M.
Oct. 16th - LaCrosse, led by David M.
Oct. 23rd - Chess, led by Nic B.
Oct. 30th - Advancement sessions.

Personal Fitness & Personal Management Merit Badges
The idea came up to have an ongoing program for the older scouts to work on while the younger scouts are working on rank advancement. Since Personal Fitness and Personal Management are required merit badges for Star and above, Terry and Norm will start working with the older scouts on these badges within the next couple of weeks. They will be the merit badge counselors and these badges require 3 months of work. Any scouts who are 1 st Class and above are encouraged to participate.
Required Meetings
Another new idea is a mandatory parent, scout, and leader meeting when a scout reaches Life. At this time, a print-out will be given to the scout and parents detailing exactly what will be needed to complete the Eagle requirements, as well as timelines that must be met. A follow-up meeting will be held again approximately 7 months prior to a Scout obtaining their Eagle rank to make sure all is going as planned.
The popcorn sales are going on now for those scouts who wished to participate. It should be noted that this is how scouts earn money to be kept in their individual scout accounts as mentioned in the Treasurer's report above. This money can be taken out for any funding needed for scouting, such as camp fees, equipment, etc. To encourage the sales more, Terry will be giving out random prizes for the top seller each week.
A new fund-raising idea came from the PLC that was discussed at length, selling Krispy-Kream donuts. A flyer from the business suggested that orders could be taken in advance and suggested a selling price of $7 a dozen. It was agreed that this would be a profitable fund-raiser. Kirk will check on the Home Depot site as a possible selling spot on a Saturday. In addition, orders would be taken in advance from neighbors and friends. Jaime agreed to check on further info, about the details of this sale.
Greg I., who arrived later, agreed to check on the possibility of selling concessions at a Broncos game.

Summer Camp
July 7th - 13th to be held at Camp Laramie Peak in Wyoming again. The committee decided to send $150 deposit to reserve that week.

High Adventure Trip
June 3rd - 8th, Padre Island, Texas. Details are still be researched.