Committee Minutes - July 2000


Boy Scout Troop 188 Committee Meeting
July 6, 2000

Norm, Terry, Greg, Loren, Nancy, Kirk, Wendi S., Chris N., Ellen Hansen.

Minutes from the June meeting were read and approved. No treasurer's report was given, as our troop treasurer could not attend this evening. Norm has received $400 in checks for registration and summer camp. We still need to refund camp money to Cab E. and Drew L.

Old Business:

Honor Scout Award-The information was presented to the troop at a June meeting and was met with their approval. Norm has had the 2 special neckerchiefs made for the award.

Patrol reforming meeting -This was postponed in June due to numerous absences and time needed to prepare for summer camp patrols. New patrols will be formed at the July 18th meeting.

High Adventure Trip--The group is set to leave this Sunday morning and return on Friday for the boat trip on Lake Powell. Adults going are Norm and Terry, with scouts Eamon, Colin, Nic, Andy, and Jason. The boys have all completed CPR certification and attended a meeting on expectations and planning at Terry's house.

EPIC swimming-- Many of the swimming requirements for summer camp were met and some started work on the life-saving merit badge.

New Business:

Summer camp--Norm gave a long report on behavior and accomplishments at summer camp. Overall, 15 merit badges were completed, with 32 more being started but not yet finished. A majority of the boys exhibited good behavior and initiative while at camp.

New patrol idea, Venture Patrol--Norm suggested we needed more incentives to keep the older scouts focused and motivated, while also needing them to show more leadership skills and take on more of the growing troop's responsibilities. He suggested starting a Venture Patrol, which would take on more troop tasks, but also be rewarded with more high adventure activities that would take place throughout the year, rather than the one-time high adventure trip now each summer. A long discussion was held on possible tasks this patrol would be responsible for, including equipment check-out and check-in before and after camp-outs, presenting information at meetings, etc. Some of the adventure activities for them would he backpacking and bike trips, and other motivational outings. It was decided that the requirements for the Venture Patrol would be that the scout be at least age 14 and have achieved a rank of Star. It is hoped this Patrol will serve to keep the older boys involved more and motivated to want to become a Venture Patrol member.

Patrol Leaders--Discussion was held about the need for the patrol leaders to take on more responsibility also as the troop's needs grow. it was suggested that expectations of their job responsibilities be written down for them. Norm also mentioned a junior leader's training camp that was offered every summer.

Upcoming Events:

This Tuesday, July 11th
--Meeting to be held at Platte River Power Authority.

Patrol Leaders Camp-out
--July 28 & 29th.

Next Committee Meeting
--Thurs., Aug. 3rd, at 7 pm at Terry Martin's house.

Chambers lake SOAR Camp-out
--Aug. 18,19,& 20, backpack in, Save Our American Resources project to clean up around the lake.

Fall Camporee
--Oct.13,14, & 15th at Bonner Peak Ranch.