Christmas Tree Pickup


Since 2002, Troop 188 has been holding a fundraiser to allow the boys to earn money for their scout accounts. This year, 75% of the money collected will be distributed among the boys in proportion the number of hours that they worked.  The remaining 25% will go to the Troop's general fund.

What is the Slip?

You may have received an flyer and an envelope describing our fundraiser.  If you need to dispose of your tree please consider our offer. 

If you wish to make a donation to the Troop:

Please make checks payable to: BSA Troop 188

Please send the check to: BSA Troop 188, 2714 Sunstone Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80525

If you have any questions about this fundraiser, please click here.

We pick up trees in the Southeast part of town.  Click here to see a map.